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सफाई करने वाली महिलाओं की स्थिति

Rajesh Singh
एक अध्ययन के मुताबिक कूड़ा बीनने वालों में 80 फीसदी संख्या महिलाओं की है और ये सब महिलाएं दलित समुदाय से सम्बन्ध रखती है, जैसे...
Featured Inspiration

Dalit Activist and Scholar Dr. Gail Omvedt Passes Away

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Renowned researcher, scholar in Dalit studies and human rights activist, Dr. Gail Omvedt passed away on August 24, 2021 aged 81 in her village Kasegaon...
Legal Opinion

Ambedkar’s Quest For Gender Equality

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In 2004, Columbia University released a list of the world’s best top 100 scholars, and the list was topped by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. He made...
Featured Opinion Politics

9-Year-Old Dalit Girl Raped and Murdered in Delhi

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On 1st August 2021, a 9-year-old Delhi girl was found to be allegedly raped, murdered and cremated without her family’s consent. The Delhi Police Crime...

Feminism At A Crossroad: Is Intersectional Liberalism The Way Forward?

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Deeksha Tiwari “A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.”― Gloria Steinem Feminism has been around for a while...
Editor's Pick Opinion

21वीं सदी में दलित महिलाएं

Rajesh Singh
राजेश ओ. पी. सिंह बाबा साहेब डॉ. भीम राव अंबेडकर ने कहा था कि “मैं किसी समाज की प्रगति, उस समाज में महिलाओं की स्थिति...