The Womb
Featured Legal Opinion

A ‘Foetal’ Death of Abortion.

Supreme Court of United States on 24tth of June, 2022 decided Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (“Dobbs”) and ruled in favour of the state...
Legal Opinion Uncategorized

“Layered Oppression, Vertical Reservation” Trans Community Objects Govt’s Categorization Under The OBC Quota

Recently, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment sought the National Commission for Backward Classes’s advice on the issue of including transgender people in the...
Editor's Pick Education

Chhattisgarh marching ahead in promoting Girl’s Education with campaign “Har Kadam Beti Ke Sang”

COVID-19 pandemic with all its challenges has hit hard on children’s education, especially girls. With persisting gender inequality and increasing poverty, upto 10 million girls...
Featured Interview

In Conversation with Divija Bhasin, Counselling Pyschologist

With social media taking over the world, we have a myriad of content creators using their platform to raise awareness on various issues including mental...

Girl’s Education one of the smartest investment to prevent pandemic ‘Lost Generation’, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of United Kingdom is all set to promote access to education for girls in Kenya, calling it “is one of the...