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Editor's Pick Opinion

Capitalism & Its Effect On Women

Guest Author
Capitalism is an economic system in which means of production are privately owned and the decisions with respect to production (what, how and when to...
Editor's Pick Opinion

The Afghan War

Guest Author
Formed in 1994, the Taliban were made up of former Afghan resistance fighters, known collectively as mujahedeen, who fought the invading Soviet forces in the...
Economy Editor's Pick

The unfinished skill training of India’s women: Bridging gender-based skill gaps to enhance women’s employment

Guest Author
India’s growing economy needs 103 million skilled workers between 2017-2022. Yet, over 100 million Indian youth (15-29 years) are not in education, employment or training...

लड़कियों की शिक्षा पर कोरोना का प्रभाव

Rajesh Singh
कोरोना महामारी के चलते जब सारे शैक्षणिक संस्थान बन्द है तब शिक्षा का जो स्वरूप बदला है, वह ना तो हमारे देश के छात्रों और...
Economy Featured

The Widening Gender Pay Gap is a Looming National Crisis

Mani Chander
Mani Chander Of 153 countries, India is placed at an abysmal 149th position in economic participation and opportunity according to the Gender Gap Index Report...